Putting Health First


Nourish Strengthen Revitalize

Throughout history, extracts from herbs, plants, roots, tree bark, leaves and flowers have proven effective in restoring and maintaining health. MEVITAL, an excellent botanical blend of time-tested superior herbs, is formulated in accordance with all the ancient preparatory principles of herbal medicinals of East and West using uncommon, top quality, purest herbs. It is a non-alcoholic, chemical-free, pleasant-tasting, invigorating herbal health tonic that can be safely consumed daily by both men and women of all ages. It is especially superb for stress-related health problems and mental strains. It is rich in essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

20 Good Reasons To Take MEVITAL


Sesamum javanicum (Artanema)
Asparagus sarmentosus (Hundred Husbands)
Astragalus membranaceus (Huang-Qi)
Piper cubeba (Java Pepper)
Cycas undulata (Federico Nut)
Eclipta erecta (False Daisy)
Elettaria repens (Cardamom)
Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi Mushroom)
Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Licorice)
Hemidesmus indicus (Indian Sarsaparilla)
Mimusops elengi (Bulletwood)
Myristica officinalis (Nutmeg)
Allium macleani (Salep Orchid)
Piper longum (Long Pepper)
Nymphanthus niruri (Cane Senna)
Saussurea lappa (Costus Root)
Schisandra chinensis (Magnolia Vine)
Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion)
Trigonella foenum-graecum (Fenugreek)
Physalis flexuosa (Winter Cherry)

Pharmacological Actions / Health Benefits:

MEVITAL  helps enhance neuro-glandular functions, cleanses the blood, improves vitality, replenishes energy and strengthens physique. It provides remarkable support for the digestive system, promoting appetite, relieving insomnia, regulating nerve system, increasing metabolic rates and restoring youthful vigor.

Physiological Reactions:

Being a “whole body tonic”, MEVITAL has all of these qualities to be able to:

I) restore and maintain balance, homeostasis, throughout all of the body systems.
II) increase and enhance energy through normal metabolic means, not artificially.
III) increase the body's general, overall resistance to infections of all kinds and to keep the immune system in perfect balance.
IV) decrease the effects of stress and anxiety on the body's ability to perform and ability to rest and sleep.
V) have good antioxidant activity to protect from free-radical damage.
VI) increase the body's ability to build muscle and/or lose weight through the burning of calories.
VII) regulate digestion processes and balance them and be able to keep all of the digestive organs and glands in balance.
VIII) keep the cardiovascular system in good health; to reduce cholesterol, blood pressure; to keep the blood's ability to clot in balance.
IX) target the liver, the kidneys, and other glands to keep them in optimum health.
X) address the lower bowel to function optimally.

Being free from alcohol and chemicals, MEVITAL does not have side effects. However, most users need to go through the cleansing process. This is when the body rids itself of all the toxins and poisons that it has absorbed over the years. During the cleansing process, first time users may experience common signs of cleansing: slight aching pain, dizziness, slight tiredness and hunger, constipation, dehydration, and sleeping disorders. These symptoms are normal and are indicative of health improvement. After the cleansing process, the body can start to rebuild itself. When taken consistently, MEVITAL has been known to produce positive results such as higher level of energy and reduced stress, improve body resistance and supports and strengthens the body’s major systems: blood circulation system, digestive system, respiratory system and immune system. The longer the user stays on the product, the better the results. When taking MEVITAL, it is advisable to take more vegetables and fruits, and to drink more water.

In summary, MEVITAL improves appetite, digestion, assimilation and excretion. It keeps one fresh, alert, energetic, relieves nervous, muscular and sexual fatigue, stress, strain, asthma and tension. It is excellent tonic for busy people always on the go. For different phases of life, MEVITAL has these usefulness for:

Teenagers & Young Adults
- Promotes growth
- Promotes general well being
- Promotes good appetite
- Reduces aging pain

Middle-Age Adults
- Relieves fatigue, tension
- Reduces stress, strain
- Restores strength, stamina and energy
- Revitalizes well being
- Increases resistance to disease
- Prevents insomnia
- Strengthens sexual abilities

Senior Adults
- Slows down the aging process
- Restores and rejuvenates strength
- Strengthens sexual abilities
- Improves appetite
- Prevents insomnia
- Increases immunity to diseases
- Relieves rheumatism and arthritis

Beneficial for:
- sexual inadequacy
- nervous debility
- seminar complaints
- impotency

Beneficial for:
- anemia
- obstetrics & gynecological conditions
- sexual functions
- fertility


There are no contra-indications. MEVITAL can be taken with any other food. However, if you are under medication, consult your physician for advice.

Religious Prohibitions:
As MEVITAL is purely a botanical preparation free from alcohol or animal content, it can be consumed by ALL races of ALL religious faith.

500 ml per bottle

Recommended Usage:
15-30 ml per day. Take 5-10 ml 3 times a day after meals. Take directly or mix it in warm water to make a tea or mix it with any fruit juice or beverage. Shake well before consumption.

Keep in a cool, dry place. Refrigerate after opening.

Keep out of reach of children. Not recommended for pregnant women or lactating mother. Consult your physician or health professional before use if you have a medical condition or are taking any prescription drugs.